This page is dedicated to helping you change your lifestyle
Making lifestyle behavioral changes can be very difficult. Why do we need to change a behavior that we enjoy? Very often we don't have to: most of our everyday behaviors are helpful to our well being. However, when a behavior threatens to harm our health, it becomes necessary to find ways to replace the negative behaviors with positive ones!
What behaviors should you change? Ask yourself if your current behavior makes you feel happy, energetic and contributes positively to your quality of life. If not, then it is a behavior that needs to be changed. If you feel lethargic, have pain, inability to sleep, digestive problems, or feel unhappy, think about the behaviors that you currently indulge in that could be contributing to these negative feelings.
How do you begin? First you should state your goal. Make it a specific action goal that you can easily track.. For example, instead of saying "I want to lose 10 pounds" or "I plan to stop smoking", think about the actions that you can take to help you achieve those outcomes. An example would be, "I will start walking for 30 minutes at lunchtime on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays".
Need more help?
Here is a link to a video of a lecture that I gave on how to set goals and achieve them. This video discusses New Years Resolutions, but it will apply to any behavioral goal!